Federal Regulations Are Beyond Fixing

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The number of federal regulations has astronomically increased over the past several decades. These burdensome regulations cripple businesses. They make life miserable for anybody courageous enough to try to make it on their own as an entrepreneur.

There will never be a federal bureaucrat who will come along and say “I have gotten rid of these regulations that our department has made into law and I hereby permanently eliminate our department. I don’t want to give my corporate lobbyist friends any more favors. Nobody should have this much power over this many people.”There will never be a U.S. Congress that will come along and say “We take responsibility for all federal departments who have enacted these overbearing regulations. We realize Congress created these monstrosities and we’re now eliminating them. We don’t want to give our corporate lobbyist friends any more favors. Nobody should have this much power over this many people”

New Hampshire Independence is the answer.

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