Search results for: nsa

The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs

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Only Martians, by now, are unaware of the phone and online data scooped upby the National Security Agency (though if it turns out that they are aware, ...   Read More

Where Did Our ‘Inalienable Rights’ Go?

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NOW that we sense the magnitude of our government’s effort to track Americans’ telephone and Internet transactions, the issue finally and fully before us...   Read More

The Naked Empire

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Certainly Edward Snowden’s crime is one of public relations. In this day and age, power ain’t just jackboots, tanks and missiles. What he did...   Read More

Trust us: A brief history of government spying

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In 1975, the Church Committee revealed the extent to which the federal government’s intelligence apparatuses were aimed not at foreign enemies, but at Americans....   Read More

Top 10 Reasons for New Hampshire to Declare Independence

1. Economic Freedom New Hampshire deserves a free and prosperous economy, and if it were up to us we’d have one already.  Sadly, anyone...   Read More

How the US Congress lost the plot on secrecy, surveillance and accountability

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To hide his role in championing the use of Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act to collect of Americans’ phone data and other...   Read More

5 Accused of Diverting Stimulus Money For Tribe

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A Chippewa Cree tribal leader, a former state lawmaker and three others used a fake billing system and a shell company to pocket hundreds...   Read More

Richest Man Slim Cited for Profiting From Phones for Poor

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Congressional Republicans want to rein in a $2.2 billion U.S. mobile-phone subsidy for the poor, saying it’s riddled with fraud and benefits the world’s richest...   Read More

Fusion Center Director: We don’t spy on Americans, just anti-government Americans

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Law enforcement intelligence-processing fusion centers have long come under attack for spying on Americans. The Arkansas director wanted to clarify the truth: centers only...   Read More

Rotten Tomatoes for a Billion-Dollar Farm Payout

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Are you a woman or a Hispanic who planted a backyard garden between 1981 and 2000? Did you ever dream of asking for a...   Read More

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