About Us

The Foundation for New Hampshire Independence believes that our state’s future can be assured only by reclaiming our rightful status as a sovereign and independent nation.  We seek to promote New Hampshire’s peaceful separation from the United States through educational initiatives and the fostering of conversations between all New Hampshire citizens with an interest in freedom from the Federal government.

No nation is immune to the ravages of time.  Even the mighty Roman Empire fell under the crushing weights of burdensome taxation, a declining civic culture, and a hopelessly corrupt governing class.  The Foundation believes that we are quickly nearing the time when the United States’ size and disregard for the rule of law as embodied in its founding Constitution must inevitably lead to the dissolution of our own once-great nation.

However, the end of the United States as a political entity need not mean the disruption of our own civilization and culture in New Hampshire.  We have a free, prosperous state which has been governed with wisdom and restraint by our own New Hampshire Constitution since 1784.  We have a strong, diversified economy and a geographical location ideally suited to international trade.  Most importantly, we have a vibrant civic culture founded on the very ideals of freedom, independence, and self-reliance that once served as the foundation of all America’s greatness.  We seek to ensure that these same ideals will continue to serve as the foundation of a stable and prosperous New Hampshire republic in the years to come.

We in New Hampshire have seen all too clearly the impact of thousands of federal laws, of endless regulations, of entire federal departments whose purposes are directly opposed to the principles set forth in the New Hampshire and U.S. Constitutions.  We have seen the deep and abiding entrenchment of special interests in Washington, D.C.; we have seen the disdain with which federal officials routinely treat their oaths of office and the citizens whose liberties they have been entrusted with preserving.  As the federal government grows ever more contemptuous of the restraints we once placed upon it, it is painfully clear that only one true remedy for these abuses exists.  It is a very practical remedy and a very American one.  It is the remedy of total independence and peaceful separation.

The Foundation for New Hampshire Independence seeks to bring this separation about by opening the discussion about independence, by addressing common concerns and questions regarding independence, and by educating the people of New Hampshire about the peaceful transition to independence.  We invite all New Hampshire citizens to join us as we begin the journey toward renewed freedom and prosperity in this beautiful and unique state that is our home.

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